Head of Design / Design-Led Innovation
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Amazon Visual Shopping CX Vision

Amazon Visual Shopping CX Vision

Customers can easily browse and consume visual media related to the product.


Visual content (images, graphics and videos) is uniquely effective at helping customers shop and evaluate products with ease and confidence. Despite the unique benefits of visual content and the mainstream adoption of video-first experiences like YouTube, TikTok and Twitch, Amazon remained behind in incorporating video and rich visual content into our shopping experience. A small team of 6 designers was tasked to create and present a holistic CX vision where rich visual content is an integral part of the Amazon shopping experience. 

Given the short schedule (2 months), we had chosen to focus on the detail page because it’s a primary location for product evaluation as well as discovery (53% of app sessions include a detail page visit), and most of the needed UI patterns will apply more broadly to other parts of the CX.

My Role

As one of the two Principals leading the project, I led the team in diving into customer problems, leading group brainstorm sessions, provided creative direction in weekly design sprints. I shaped the customer story and contributed to the writing of the business document. I owned the Customer Answers and Reviews CX and directed the Immersive Viewer CX. I partnered closely in crafting the final presentation to the Amazon SVP.


This vision had wide-spread impact. Half a dozen teams within Amazon Shopping made significant updates to their 2020 roadmap to prioritize features outlined in this vision. In the following 24 months, teams had tested and launched many features built from this vision. Customers have noticed and appreciated the improvements in better integrating visual content to assist in product evaluation. It has led to nearly doubling of the video glance view on detail page, 81% increase in monthly active users engaging with video reviews, and increase in sales conversion.


Customers can easily navigate to any part of the video, and effortlessly shop products featured in the video.



Boost customer confidence by making it easy to see video and image-based Customer Reviews and Answers.