Head of Design / Design-Led Innovation

Nike.com Redesign

Nike.com Redesign

The first Nike.com Redesign that pivoted to focus on shopping instead of brand campaigns.


In 2014, Nike.com business was suffering while e-commerce business took off elsewhere. After a thorough audit of the existing Nike.com experience, we uncovered the root cause. Nike.com continued to carry the legacy burden of being primarily a destination for brand campaigns instead a place to shop. Customers had to click 5-7 times before being able to add a product to cart. In many cases, these clicks led to dead-ends. We saw the immediate need to shift our focus from campaigns to commerce. 

To achieve that, we started with the customers by understanding what customers want at each step in their shopping journey. We then devices 7 page types, each with distinct purpose and unique content needs. In this process, we eliminated dozens of old page templates that drove little traffic, and significantly streamlined customer shopping journey. 

We delivered a Creative Style Guide, which outlined a new interaction framework for Nike.com and established new page templates (5 out of 7 page types) with detailed visual and copy specs. The new interaction framework ensured that customers are never more than 3 clicks away from shopping and/or adding to cart. Select brand campaign content was integrated into the new page templates to tell better product stories, but not to distract customer from their shopping. Additionally we brought a unified design language and pivoted towards a flat UI and clean layout to allow the products and content to shine. 

My Role

As the senior designer on the Nike.com Global Brand Design team, I led a team of 2 designers, 1 copy writer and 1 producer. I owned the design strategy and kept the team focused on the customer needs. I provided creative input at design reviews and oversaw the presentation to our Design Director, Category Brand Design teams and the Nike.com team.


This was the first major restructuring of Nike.com, pivoting from a campaign-driven experience to a commerce and shopping-focused destination. The newly structured Nike.com was much easier to maintain and update, streamlining the content update process from 2 weeks to 2 days. We reduced the number of clicks it took to shop or add to cart. The newly designed Nike.com saw a 40% increase in quarterly sales in 2015. All future redesign efforts were built on the foundation of this change. 

7 page types

By establishing clear purpose of the key page types mapped to the customer’s shopping journey, we greatly simplified the site experience and made it much easier to navigate. As a result, we significantly trimmed down the total number of pages that needed to be maintained and updated over time.

Creative style guide

The creative style guide established new interaction framework and new page templates (5 out of 7 page types) with detailed visual and copy specs.