Head of Design / Design-Led Innovation
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Fire Tablet "For You" Refresh

Fire Tablet “For You” Page Refresh

The new “For You” page


Fire Tablet team implemented a new page called “For You” to the left of the Home page in 2017. It featured content such as weather, recent apps, personalized recommendations, photos, local news, etc. The personalized recommendations on “For You” generated nearly $1M attributed sales in 2017. 

The design team took on the initiative to refine “For You” page with the goal to improve user engagement with the content on the page and thus boost attributed sales. We also set out to modernize the overall visual design of the page.

My Role

I led the design team by providing creative direction to UX/UI/Motion design in weekly design sprints, presenting to Design Director and the Product stakeholders, and overseeing the implementation by collaborating with the engineering team at the weekly standup. 


The new design gave “For You” page the much needed UI refresh. The redesigned “Weather” widget eliminated customer’s need to open and load a separate weather app. The redesigned “Continue” widget made it easier to differentiate between various content types and see the status of each in-progress content. The new design optimized the overall layout and information density of the page, and nearly doubled weekly clicks (40MM) on “For You” in Q3 2018 compared to 22MM in Q3 2017. 

Previous “For You” page

Motion study for the Weather widget

Exploration for displaying in-progress content